Bridges / Roadways
Polyset is a leader in the design and manufacture of expansion joint systems for the bridge construction industry.
Expansion joints are imperative to the life-cycle of a bridge; the consequence of failing joints as a result of poor quality or improper installation will severely compromise a bridge’s structural integrity.
Our Ply-Krete® joint systems are designed to allow for continuous traffic while accommodating movement, shrinkage and temperature variations on both the concrete and steel structure elements of a bridge.
Ply-Krete® joint systems consist of a high strength, moisture insensitive, elastomeric concrete nosing material and Ply-Seal®, a waterproof joint seal. This is one of the best systems available in the market for bridges. The “toughness factor” of the Ply-Krete® joint system is second to none. These armorless joint systems are designed to preserve and protect concrete decks and substructures by preventing water absorption and minimizing chloride intrusion in the most abusive environments.
Our new Ply-Krete® TM Bridge Joint System is a time management joint system that allows the waterproof joint seal placement with the nosing material. The joint seal, which is a stay-in-place form, fits various gaps, minimizing premeasuring. Depending on the application requirements, the system may be used with or without a top sealant. The time management joint system is ideal for new and rehab projects, and can be used on expansion joints and fixed joints.