WB HRZS® is the previously NASA-patented coating technology IC 531. Polyset is the original, commercial manufacturer of this product. It is a 100% WaterBorne, High Ratio Zinc Silicate. WB HRZS® chemically bonds to steel to provide excellent corrosion protection (both galvanic and cathodic), has high heat and abrasion resistance, is completely self-curing and 0 VOC. WB HRZS® provides unparalleled protection for steel in the harshest marine and offshore environments. It can be used as a Single Coat System, Primer or a Pre-Construction Primer and top-coated with a variety of different options.
WB HRZS® can be used successfully on bridges either as a Single Coat System or as Primer with a top-coat. WB HRZS®’s minimal cure, silicate chemistry is not affected by road salts or acid rain. Since WB HRZS® is 100% waterborne, there is also no danger of overspray damaging surrounding buildings or cars and also no costly solvent disposal issues. WB HRZS® Single Coat System is lower in cost and provides better corrosion protection than galvanizing steel bridge beams.