Find out our recommendation for cracked, pitted, or spalled concrete floors.

Ply-Guard CM – an ultra-low viscosity polyurethane compound – is perfect for filling in air holes and missing sections of concrete floors. Its extended gel time and viscosity allows it to readily penetrate concrete more deeply, as well as providing a quick hardness build within 20 minutes.

This versatile concrete mender is designed to be mixed with dry silica sand to make a thicker build formula. Ply-Guard CM is perfect for rebuilding cracks, control joints that don’t need flexibility, and skim coating floors to fill in air holes and missing sections of concrete.

“We have customers that use this product to resurface the entire floor before they add a coating system. It blends with the existing concrete, becoming seamless so you don’t even know it’s there,” says John Coffey, Northeast Business Manager.

Our Ply-Guard UR (Joint Filler) is also a great solution for contractors looking to rapidly fill control joints.

Customer Testimonial

“As the owner of Aurora Epoxy, based in the Buffalo NY area, the Ply-Guard CM has been an incredible time saver for us. Most floors we work with require extensive repair before a resinous coating system can be installed. The ease of installation with a convenient 1:1 mix ratio associated with the fast cure (can be ground in 15-20 mins) drastically improved the efficiency of our installations, reducing downtime to a minimum.”

Marco Racheli, Aurora Epoxy Coatings LLC

Click on the photos below to see this garage floor’s amazing transformation using our Ply-Guard CM and Ply-Guard AS as a top coat.

Pitted / Spalled Concrete Floor Application of Ply-Guard CM Flake Broadcast Top Coated
Concrete floor before Ply-Guard CM Concrete floor filled in with Ply-Guard CM Finished concrete floor with a polyaspartic protective coating